Koodo Reader - Using the Sync Feature


Koodo Reader supports two synchronization methods:
  • Local Sync: After clicking the sync button, Koodo Reader will export your data to a local folder. You can then use third-party sync services like OneDrive to achieve cross-device data synchronization.
  • Cloud Sync: Synchronizing your data across all platforms using cloud storage, WebDAV, object storage, FTP, or SFTP. Koodo Reader handles all the data transfer for you.

Comparison of the Two Sync Methods

Sync Method
Local Sync
Cloud Sync
Supported Platforms
Window, macOS, Linux
Window, macOS, Linux, Web, Android, iOS
Dependency on Third-party Apps
Operation Difficulty
Sync Efficiency

Local Sync Operation Process

  1. Import books on one computer, go to settings to change the data storage location to the sync folder, click the sync button, and then close the software.
  1. On another computer, wait for the sync data to download, open Koodo Reader, go to Settings→General, select Switch Library, change to the sync folder, click the sync button, exit and reopen Koodo Reader.
  1. The data is now synced to the other computer. Any future modifications made on either computer can be synced by clicking the sync button, exiting the software, and then opening Koodo Reader on the other computer and clicking the sync button.

Cloud Sync Operation Process

  1. Log in to Koodo Reader Pro: You can click on the Pro vesrion at the top of the software to log in, or go to Settings→Account→Add Login Option to log in.
  1. Add Data Source: You can add it on the onboarding page after logging in, or go to Settings→Account→Sync & Backup→Add Data Source.
  1. Perform Sync: You just need to click the sync button at the top of the software. For the mobile version, you can pull down on the home page. Any data changes on any platform can now be synced across all your devices.

How Cloud Sync Works

During the Sync, we will automatically analyze the local and cloud data, upload changes from the local device to the cloud, and download missing or updated data from the cloud to the local device, ultimately ensuring consistency between local and cloud data. You can think of it as merging the local and cloud data, with the merged data saved both locally and in the cloud.

Notes on Cloud Sync

The sync feature is designed to maintain data consistency across different platforms and devices. Currently, it does not support directly importing books from your cloud storage, WebDAV, object storage, FTP, or SFTP, but this feature will be supported in future versions. Stay tuned!

Synchronization Options and Platform Support

There are some differences in platform support for different data sources. You can refer to the following table for details:
Sync options
Google Drive
Aliyun Drive
Object Storage